Whether you're in the US, Canada, France, England....to name a few, the season's probablygetting cold and rainy (especially if you're in New York and London, that I can vouch for!).
Getting out from under that cosy duvet is getting increasingly challenging each day, and you've started to press the snooze button a bit more often. And when you're up, you're stiff from your ankles to your neck, and you're cold. Same thing as you go you home after a long day or running around too much, or sitting too long at your desk. Cold bones, stiff muscles. And the ideal cure is....
My idea cure for a long time was a lovely hot chocolate or latte with whipped tea on top, and a nice slice of cake, a cupcake, shortbread, truffles, you name it. I'd get up to a hot breakfast with tea, and get home to a hot chocolate and cake. But my joints and muscles still ached, I was only warmed up for 30 minutes, and by Halloween I would already have gained six pounds...on a good year. Worse, my energy level would drop and I would need more and more cakes and hot chocolate to give me that boost and keep me warm.
So I stopped and tried something else which I will now share with you:
Morning routine:
As soon as you're awake in the morning, roll out of bed (literally if you have to) and stretch: neck rolls, cobra, child's pose, downward dog, hip rolls, ankle rolls, knee rolls, wiggle your toes, don't forget your hands, and massage your face, scalp and ears. This will get your blow flowing and soothe tense areas. It'll warm you up a bit already.
Second, get yourself a caffeine-free hot drink: this will warm you up and hydrate you at the same time. Mixing warm water and lemon juice with a teaspoon honey or maple syrup is great. Herbal teas such a South African red tea, nettle, clover, or mint are also wonderful. Eat a spoonful of bee pollen and/or raw cacao nibs with it, and before your typical breakfast, go move 10-30 minutes. Do pilates, Tai Chi, aerobics, dance, go for a run, bike, swim, whatever you prefer. By the time you're done you'll be warm, energized, and ready to begin your day.
Then, throughout the day, make sure you stay hydrated: if you crave a hot drink, prefer low or no caffeine hot drinks to the caffeinated ones, and try to avoid the ones who are high in sugar and fat (let's discuss them again once it's REALLY cold). I suggest green tea, red tea, oolong and herbal teas of your liking. Make sure you also drink plenty of still water, which you might want to start drinking at room temperature.
Spicier habits will help you keep warm too: dishes cooked with chilies, cayenne, ginger, garlic, onions will all do the trick. Balancing them with fermented foods (helps us keep hydrated and build a string immune system through their active live cultures) is a smart addition: raw kymchee, kefir, yoghurt, kombucha, sauerkraut...all great.