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Sunday, 12 September 2010

An Organic Coop in Paris

If you're moving to Paris and you worry about finding kombucha, gluten-free products, or even soap nuts, you can relax now: despite some resistance to the organic movement (in French: "mouvement "bio") by many Parisians, there is in fact such a mouvement, and thus products.

For example, an organic coop, "biocoop" has 3 stores in Paris (all on the left bank) and 5 more stores in nearby suburbs (Saint-Maur, Le Perreux, Antony, Le Chesnay, Rueil-Malmaison, Chambourcy).

I stopped by their Glaciere store yesterday in the 13th arrondissement, and found cleaning products such as soap nuts and sodium bicarnobate, food ranging from Kombucha (two brands: one in small bottles and flavored, the other, sold for 5 euros for a 1 liter bottle of plain Kombucha) and fresh algae to a plethora of raw cheeses at their deli section, duck breast, smoked fish, fresh milk...and raw apple cider vinegar with minced shallots (one of my favorites).

Across the street was their annex, where beauty products (if you can't find that coconut oil you were looking for...go to the bodycare section), supplements, books, incense, etc., can be purcharsed.

Two things: 
  • No still water is sold there, only sparkling! All beverages they sell are sold in glass bottles. It's a great move for our health and for the environment. And the store sells water filters.
  • Still no raw chocolate and superfoods on the shelves as far as I saw, so I'll keep ordering it online (see French site on my blog roll bottom left of the blog), or get my American friends to "smugle" them on their way to Paris.

That being said, it was a great discovery, with prices no worse than its US equivalents, so I'd recommend a visit if you're looking to fill your pantry with products beyond what Naturalia and La Vie Claire have to offer (and the staff was MUCH nicer).

Here's the link to the Paris 13th, which will help you find a store nearby:

and for online shopping:

Of course if you live in the area/country, and would like to recommend more stores, comments are welcome!

Biocoop Glaciere
55, rue de la Glacière
75 013 Paris

Metro 6 Station Glacière (3 minutes walk)
Bus 21 ou 83

Hours of operation: Monday-Saturday: 10AM-8PM

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